Welcome to my Website!

anne sofie

Interests My favourite hobbies and activities are the ones that offer plenty of room for expression. Although having a wide variety of interests, most of them have something in common and that is the creative aspect which reveals the person, namely style. Ever since I was little I have always been attracted to styles. First it started with fashion styles but nowadays I also find it present in the hobbies which I enjoy the most: music (I recently started to learn how to play the saxophone!), drawing and painting, graphic (digital) design, videomaking, interior design and even snowboarding - pretty much everything in the artistic field appeals to me.

But what fascinates me the most is when something can be artistic and of high craftmanship. Mastering and perfectioning the technical skill adds a different layer of complexity and that is the challenge that I admire and aim for. Architecture Before my academic education it never really occurred to me that architecture is also part of this group of interests. In all honesty, I have only started appreciating architecture more deeply since my fourth year in the academic study. I was able to meet a couple of very intriguing people who have shown me what architecture means to them, what their identities are and what their discourse are. To me, that was the equivalent of which I called style earlier. It is in their passion for creativity and craft that I recognize my own love for creation. Inspiration Beside passionate people from my own architectural environment, I also look up to designers who are sharp in making poetics and technics complement each other. That is the beauty that I want to persue as well. Just to name a few big names who inspire me in it: Mies Van Der Rohe, Kengo Kuma, Peter Zumthor and I.M. Pei - as they design with the poetry of the environment in addition to their strong expression through the choice of materiality which allows them to completely appropriate the design to themselves. Other than that, I also tend to look at paintings and sculptures which can teach me about colour, composition and proportions.